Supported to Serve

Our Patrons - the wind beneath our wings!

At the heart of service - is a caring heart ❤️
Our Volunteers and Patrons are our Strength!


Car Pro Solutions

Our biggest cheer leaders and our strongest supporters! A compassionate and caring team who always put others ahead of themselves. Time, money or manual help you have always given selflessly. Thank you CPS! We are glad you're in our corner.

International Community Church

Our local community partner, silently serving away in the back ground. Thank you for your constant help and continued patronage. We are grateful we have a Godly covering over our organisation, wisdom and prayer to support us. We are grateful!

Creative Salt Films & Yellow Thinking

Aren't we glad to have cutting edge tech support helping us! Thank you Jaspal for all the expertise and skill you bring, whether it's high quality printing, smart website design or shooting films and documentaries. Creative Salt Films & Yellow Thinking is a One Stop Shop! We are glad to have your support. Whether you are serving your local church, or helping other community initiatives, you always endeavour to do your best. Thank you.
To reach out to Jaspal, please click on the image.

Emmanuel United Church

Our home base. Thank you for accomodating us and our continued ad hoc requests. We are grateful. You help us serve our community effectively.

Brand Crowd